This tabloid article disturbs me. It is showing pop icon, Britney Spears, bending over and grabbing for a fallen bottle of diet pills ( ...very attractive shot by the way). Several things bother me about this article. The way that tabloid reporters try to portray celebrities is so sad. Anything that they do is put into the spotlight. No wonder all of the celebrities are feeling pressure to be thin. Other articles being featured in magazines such as this frequently show snapshots of celebs eating dinner, lounging on the beach, or walking their children to school...with giant arrows pointing to their "belly fat" or "cellulite". Give them a break. As soon as the celebs actually give into the pressures they are faced with, then the tabloids pick up on that as well. Another reason this article and photo upsetting is because even though it is just "gossip", I still see it as advertising. For years, Britney Spears has been drooled over by men all over the world for her rock hard abs. Looks like a promotional strategy on Zantex's part to prey on young, insecure girls.......OH WAIT, IT IS. Now I will get to the real reason I am EXTREMELY frustrated with what is happening to our society. Yesterday I decided to go out and buy the latest issue of Cosmo magazine with Eva Longoria on the cover. I enjoy reading the makeup and hair tips, and some of the articles they feature. I tend to skip over most of the pointless advertisements also featured in Cosmo, but one stuck out to me imparticular : "Britney's Diet Pills". Your probably wondering what I mean by this..well, the EXACT same tabloid shot used to give us juicy gossip was taken by Zantrex to PROMOTE their product. It is a complete two page spread with the usual crap about how effective the pills are in weight loss. At the bottom there is a small notice (very small) that reads:
"Although this is a direct reprint of an article that ran in London's Daily Express on September 3, 2005, it is reproduced here for informational purposes only. ...."The republication of this article is not intended to and does not constitute a commercial endorsment or approval of Zantrex-3 by Britney Spears".
Way to go Zantrex- 3--Of course she doesn't approve of this advertisement!! She is now in rehab battling her depression and drug addictions!!