Why We Can Never Be Superwomen.

Some women feel the need to save men. Whether their "problem" is a failure to succeed, a lack of ambition, a vicious temper, or a bad fashion sense, we feel like we are able to change them. NEWS FLASH: we can't. As women, it is nearly as impossible for us to transform a man as to climb the walls of the CN tower( unless of course your one of the very few women blessed with webbed feat and inspector gadget-like limbs). Nevertheless, females should abandon their hopes of being the person that is finally able to create the perfect man. If his mother, sister, teacher, and babysitter have all failed, what in the world makes a woman think that she could possibly possess this special power!? The female gender has gotten to the point where we can pretty much do anything...except this. Just give up, ladies. Men don't need a saviour, they need one...or several..stylists, some anger management, and possibly a near death experience ( I don't suggest testing this one out). We are stupid for thinking that a man could, or would be willing to change into the character we want him to be. He wouldn't dare ask the same from you, without expecting to get the boot. It is ridiculous to watch so many women spend years with a man in an attempt to change them. If he needs changing, then he isn't right for you. You can try with all your might to alter your guy, but the reality is that it will only be temporary. These types of changes happen internally, and only if he truly wants to change, so forcing him to be a certain way will only make things worse. If he is a cheater, a liar, or has any other villain-like qualities, then find someone new. Stop running back for more. Once a bad guy, always a bad guy. Women need a new mentality when it comes to dating: Stop trying to save men--we aren't superheros. A man will eventually come along that doesn't require any "tweaking", and that one should surely be a keeper.