Dove: Making Us Feel Beautiful, While Selling Us Cellulite Cream

Dove has just recently made it a point to feature curvier, more natural girls in their advertisements in an attempt to show us that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and ages. The message that Dove is trying to get across to us "normal" people is that we should all be happy with ourselves, regardless the way that we look. Their ads tell us not to change our bodies in a way that gives in to the pressure our society is putting on us. Dove says:


Well...interestingly enough, the ad featured above is for A CELLULITE CREAM...which usually reads: "Change the look of your thighs in 6-8 weeks and blah, blah, blah..."

Change!? Oh Dove, your confusing us.

This whole thing seems very much like an advertising gimmick on Dove's part. Don't get me wrong, I think that it is a wonderful idea to show regular women unretouched. We never see women such as this in a beauty advertisement. And I think this is exactly why Dove is choosing to do this sort of marketing-because it's different. Their smart. Thier making people feel good about themselves. Their contradicting themselves. And their making money.
There is nothing wrong with Doves new way of advertising. Dove's Campaign For Real Beauty is changing the way we look at "beautiful". They are raising awareness, as well as money for camps for children. HOWEVER, they should NOT be telling us that are bodies are beautiful and unique as they are, while SELLING us creams that are supposed to CHANGE the look of our thighs and bellies.