If "Super Size Me" didn't make an impact on anyone, I don't know what will. It seems like artery clogging food is everywhere. High-fat, high-calorie fast food is available to us in thousands of restaurants, such as Mcdonalds.Are people saying no to this food, because it may kill them someday? Most definately not. They are gulping it down as fast as humanly possible ,often with the help of chanting friends, and then....GOING BACK FOR MORE. No wonder a quarter of children are obese, which is DOUBLE the rate of a generation ago. (By the way, when I say "double", I am NOT reffering to a double cheeseburger...I know what you were thinking.) Just think: If you were to eat a basic medium meal at Burger King consisting of a Whopper with cheese, french fires and a vanilla shake. In that one meal ( that you proudly gulped down as fast as you could) are 87 grams of fat and 1,480 calories. Who cares, Right? Well, the average amount of fat a person should eat a day is about 65 grams, and the caloric intake should sit around 2000! To calculate how many calories you should be consuming a day, go to:http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm or http://www.weightlossforgood.co.uk/calorie_intake_calculator.htm
Calories aside, fast food is not good for us in any way. For example, the heaping amounts of sugars and salts, a seemingly harmless ingredient is added to our food excessively, making it extremely unhealthy for our bodies. The point being: when we eat too much of a so called "healthy" substance, it can become dangerous. We have absolutely no sense of portion control anymore. It's like we are eating for 2 people...or 4...or 6. Bagels used to be 2 to 3 ounces, or about 200 calories. Today they're about 5 to 6 ounces, which is more than 400 calories. (By the way, a 5-ounce bagel is equal to five pieces of bread or 15 cups of popcorn!) Why are people going out of their way to make the food they eat even more unhealthy than it was when they ripped it out of the frozen cardboard package?! People POUR fat on their meal, because it "tastes better." Give me a break. That already-fatty-enough clump of god-knows-what does NOT taste better! Now, after what you have learned, answer with careful consideration: Do you want fries with that? ;)