The Popularity of the Ripped Clothing

Why, in such a wealthy culture such as ours, do we feel the need to dress ourselves in articles of clothing that look like they were dug out of the nearest dumpster? I mean, what could possibly be so appealing about an exposed ( gasp)...kneecap? The trend of the new clothes that look old, has been around for years, and it just won't seem to go away! Ripped jeans for example, are worn by the most stylish of people...oh,and the cast of Lost. They are certainly not warmer, or very functional. These destroyed pieces of fabric are simply unnecessary. Many people wear these clothes to give them a "tough" looking exterior, but it just looks messy. Im not suggesting people be wasteful, and throw out new jeans that you happen to accidentally put a hole in while rescuing a child from a burning building. However, if you have searched at every hip new clothing store for the most damaged jeans you can find, pass over 80 dollars for them, and then proceed to chop them up even more when you get home, PUT THE SCISSORS DOWN.