I'm Outraged!
I recently watched the documentary "Who Killed The Electric Car?", and I found it to be very disturbing. I learned that not only did we have electric cars on the market, but they were hidden from the most of the general public. The electric car is safer for the enviornment and had the ability to prevent things such as smog. However, these cars were eventually taken back from the people who had purchased them, and crushed into a pile of unrecognizable metal. It was actually quite sad. Though this film seemed to drag on for days, the main message came across very clear: If these cars were so enviormentally friendly, fast, and efficient, then why would they take them away? I think this question puzzles everyone equally, and I don't think that anyone really knows the answer to the burning question "who killed the electric car?". It seems like even the producers didn't even know the answer, since they put blame on several different organizations ( oil companies being one of them.) This is definately an issue I believe more people should look into , because, like me, people may be uninformed as to the safer alternatives that are ( or WERE) available to them. If we want to change the world we can't just sit back and pretend like these sorts of things aren't happening. Someone killed the electric car, and we need to bring it back to life.