"Ew, Look At That. Let's Buy One"

Want one? These hairless guinea pigs ( yes, that's what they are), are genetically mutated ON PURPOSE to serve our obsession with new and unique pets, and our "so ugly their cute" mentality. We need to stop this. Originally bred for laboratory research, this type of guinea pig has made its way into pet stores everywhere. I find it extremely disturbing to think that people are actually buying these animals to keep as pets. I realize that it is tempting to purchase these creatures out of pity- I know I wanted to. But in order to make these sick types of genetic modifications stop, we cannot promote what these scientists are doing to innocent animals. By purchasing these little pigs, we increase the demand for genetically altered animals. This will lead to more unethical treatment of animals. These poor guinea pigs are prone to more illness than other other guinea pigs, such as skin cancer, upper respiritory and other internal problems. Now that doesn't sound like regular guinea pig sickness, does it? That's because it isn't. Scientists have changed the way that their bodies functions by predetermining their breeding patterns, and other important factors. We should not have the right to do this- to anything. Just imagine if it was an experiment being performed on human subjects, in a twisted attempt to create a new breed of human that is as unappealing as possible. Creapy, eh?