True Love? On TV?

Is it possible to find true love on a TV series called "The Bachelor"? I doubt it. This show is a complete contradiction of what we have always been told love should be like. Love should not include elimination, camera men, or timed sessions with each other( not to mention the same man dating a total of 25 girls in a matter of hours). I find the whole process quite disturbing, to be honest. This bachelor, seemingly perfect, goes through several "difficult" weeks, narrowing his contestants down to one special lady. This woman will become his wife at the end of the show, just after only a few weeks of getting to know each other in a tropical paradise. Throughout the show, all of the women get a chance to wow the handsome and witty bachelor with their charm and stunning looks. Then, the bachelor will choose to eliminate the women he "just doesn't feel a connection with". They must then pack their bags immediately, and head home. Poor things. This often leads to tears, raging jealousy, and throwing of stilettos. Many of these women of course, are upset by the fact that other women were chosen instead of them, and no longer have the chance of winning the prize at the end of the show ( the man, the money, bragging rights). This is not love,this is a game. When watching this show, you will learn of a gag reflex you never thought existed. This sleazy man seems to have his lines memorized, usually consisting of his dreams, his love for children (and animals), and his desire to find the perfect woman. He kisses each of the girls during their dates, convincing them that he is falling in love with them. He makes them feel special, and beautiful, and then shatters their dreams by failing to hand them a rose and the famous "rose ceremony". How cheesy. Although these women become too emotionally attached, the more I watch the daters, the more I realize how easy it must be to fall in love while in such beautiful surroundings. The dates are romantic and are usually moonlit walks on the beach, days lounging on a boat, scuba get the idea. These are not typical dates in the real world, and dont include running down to the nearest plaza for some KFC and soda. These women are falling in love with the lifestyle, and not the man. If this man is as smart, sexy, sophisticated, and RICH, as they claim, then WHY the hell does he need a TV show to find a girlfriend? Sounds awfully suspicious to me. In the real world, these couples would never make it. Its easy to fall into lust when there are romantic dates to keep you interested. These girls wear evening gowns the entire time, and put their best act. What will they do when the gown turns into sweatpants, the gourmet meals become pizza, and the morning after exposes bad breath? Now thats true love.